Bug #18523
closedValue of RTE field empty after save
I have a table containing 1 RTE field. The record also has 3 fields of the TCA type "inline".
This clashes at times. When I'm editing or adding new subrecords to one of these three fields and I hit the save button, the value of the RTE field will be gone.
Hurray for the history button TYPO3 offers. The data can be restored, but it's very anoying. At the moment I use the List module to select the fields seperatly so editing them doesn't bother the RTE field.
I suppose it has got to do with JavasScript that's not working well together.
(issue imported from #M7972)
Updated by Robert Destigter almost 17 years ago
Oh, no. I was in the wrong project again. Could somebody change the category of this issue to "Backend".
Updated by Stanislas Rolland over 15 years ago
This issue was entered in the wrong category.
Do you still encounter this issue? If so, in what version of TYPO3 and what version of what browser?