Feature #20436
closedAdd a method to register an Extbase plugin
I propose to have a method to register a new Extbase plugin at one central point.
This method should be invoked in ext_tables.php. Below you find an example taken from the BlogExample.
$_EXTKEY, // The key of the extension in lower_underscore (blog_example)
'Pi1', // A unique name of the plugin in UpperCamelCase
'Blog Example', // A title shown in the backend dropdown field
array( // An array holding the controller-action-combinations that are accessible
'Blog' => 'index,show,new,create,delete,deleteAll,edit,update,populate', // The first controller and its first action will be taken as default
'Post' => 'index,show,new,create,delete,edit,update',
'Comment' => 'create',
array( // An array of non-cachable controller-action-combinations (they must already be enabled)
'Blog' => 'delete,deleteAll,edit,update,setup,populate',
'Post' => 'show,delete,edit,update',
'Comment' => 'create',
The method generates the necessary TypoScript code to invoke the Extbase Dispatcher. There are several Unit-Tests covering the code.
(issue imported from #M11105)
Updated by Jochen Rau over 15 years ago
As a result of the discussion in the core list Extbase itself registers its plugins now:
* A minimalistic configuration
Tx_Extbase_Utility_Plugin::registerPlugin('BlogExample', 'Pi1', 'A Blog Example', array('Blog' => 'index,show,edit'));