Bug #21179
The Reference Index table is empty which is likely to be the case because you just upgraded your TYPO3 source.
Added by silvia about 15 years ago.
Updated about 15 years ago.
Jsut upgraded from typo3 3.8 to 4.1.11, i did the update static info and write to database, when i log into the backend i receive this error
"The Reference Index table is empty which is likely to be the case because you just upgraded your TYPO3 source. Please go to Tools>DB Check and update the reference index."
The problem is the backend is empty and i can't go to tools > DB because link isnt working.
How can i fix it
I add the screenshot who describes my problem
(issue imported from #M12107)
I guess the version of the skin you use is not compatible with the new version of TYPO3.
Edit the file typo3conf/localconf.php and delete the skin from the list of loaded extensions.
Then delete the temp_cached-files and try again.
I just removed from my localconf.php the skin_grey2 , but i stil see the backend empty, i can't access to Tools> db to change the referer index
Then the skin was not the reason for this error.
Go to the install-tool and delete all files in typo3temp/ and subfolders.
Also try clearing your browser-cache.
Btw.: Did you do a "compare" and "update" with the database?
If that does not solve the problem: If you click the link: What exactly do you get then?
Why do you not update to the most current version, 4.2.9?
Ok, i solved finally my problem
The tm_contentaccess extension, was making that my BE wasn't visible into the updated 4.* version.
I removed it, and now i can see the modules, the problem is now i see the Backend like 20 years ago :)
But i supose i can find another extension like tm_contentaccess, to improve the backend skin etc
Thankyou for your replys christopher
Install the extension t3skin.
I remember, that skin_grey2 is even working in 4.2...
So if you like your old design more, install versions of tm_contentaccess (and of the other extensions you need for this skin) which work with 4.1.
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