Bug #22275
closedfluid - unhelpful error message
in typo3/sysext/fluid/Classes/View/TemplateView.php on line 358 the method parseTemplate() should return a helpful error message in case the file cannot be read.
I had forgotten to give the server read access to my template file and the only thing i got over and over was
Parse requires a template string as argument, boolean given.
from the typo3/sysext/fluid/Classes/Core/Parser/TemplateParser.php on line 271.
I mean if you know that file_get_contents returns false if there is an error, it's simple to look for the error, but even that involves looking at the code to see how the file gets read.
Please replace with/add a more suiting error message
(issue imported from #M13810)
Updated by Oliver Klee almost 15 years ago
Florian, please file this fluid bug at forge.typo3.org.
Updated by Florian Staudacher almost 15 years ago
ok did that: