



Bug #23310


RTE link-tag rendering completely messed up

Added by Jan Loderhose almost 14 years ago. Updated over 13 years ago.

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RTE produces a bunch of different errors in link generation. These result in
- empty link Tags: <a href="[url]" title="[title]">[nothing here]</a>
- nested link tags <a href="[url]" title="[title]"><a[missing params]>[text here]</a></a>
- missing link params: <a[missing params]>[text here]</a>,
- wrong positioning of the tag: [text here]<a href="[url]" title="[title]">[nothing here]</a>,
- plain text url: <a href="[url]" title="[title]">[nothing here]</a>[url again] and
- split-up tags: <a href="[url]">[first part of the link text]</a><a href="[url]">[second part of the link text]</a><a href="[url]">[third part of the link text]</a>

I cannot relate moste of these results with a particular action that's why I batch-report them here. I can provide some ways to reproduce any of the describet results. Unfortunatelly, the way to produce such an error is not always the same. That's why I report this issue as random. The error occurs frequently making every days editorial work a real burden.

[1] Write some text. Mark it. Click on link-icon and set any kind of link (page,external ...). Mark the link again and enter a title. Update link. View source. Does not always result in an error. If an errror occurs, its is a random instance of the selction given above.

[2] split-up tags: Select the text to be marked as a link. Click on link-icaon. Enter title-text and select the href afterwards to avoid correcting the link-text in a scond step which would lead to [1].

[3] try a random combination of [1] and [2] and accidentally get the expected source code.

TYPO3 4.3.3 and TYPO3 4.3.4 which ships RTE 1.8.11
Tested on up-to-date Windows Vista and up-to-date Windows 7
FF 3.6.8 (Same problem on several predecessors of the near past)
Interent Explorer 7 and 8
(issue imported from #M15299)


error-examples.html (556 Bytes) error-examples.html Administrator Admin, 2010-07-30 10:25

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Related to TYPO3 Core - Bug #23837: htmlArea RTE: Links are incorrectly updated in Google ChromeClosedStanislas Rolland2010-10-25

Actions #1

Updated by Jan Loderhose almost 14 years ago

Great, I cannot escape the tags in the description. I attached the file error-examples.html which contains appropriate examples

Actions #2

Updated by Stanislas Rolland almost 14 years ago

Please explain how to reproduce. Are the links broken inside the RTE or in the Frontend? Is this specific to IE or also in other browsers?

Actions #3

Updated by Jan Loderhose almost 14 years ago

The behavior described as first observed by a client who does intensive editorial work. She uses IE. She called and I tried to reproduce the problem. I had not experienced the issue myself by that time. I set some links and every thing worked as expected. Than I created a new text CE and set some more links. This time I got the results shown above using FF. So this issue does not seems to be browser specific.

The links were broken inside the RTE and appeared broken immediately after creating them using link wizard. Saving naturally resulted in broken link in the frontend.

Meanwhile, the website got updated to TYPO3 4.3.5. According to my client, the behavior still persists.

In addition, I tried to replicate the related issue 15328 with IE and FF without success ... meaning all links got generated correctly ...

I will ask her to describe her experience and report it here on monday. Hopefully, she can give a more detailed description.

I'm really perplexed about this problem. It is definitely not reproducible every time. I will ask my client to decribe her experience more detailed on monday and drop her answer here.

Actions #4

Updated by Stanislas Rolland almost 14 years ago

Issue #15328 is not reported against TYPO3 4.3 but against TYPO3 4.4. It cannot be related to this issue.

Actions #5

Updated by Stanislas Rolland almost 14 years ago

Something wrong with this installation...

Please clear the RTE cache using the Clear cache menu in the BE. Once this is done, please ask the user to clear the cache of her browser.

Is DAM installed? Is any extension extending the TYPO3 link wizard installed?

Since when did the problem appear?

Actions #6

Updated by Jan Loderhose almost 14 years ago

All caches got cleared several times (Clear cache menu, typo3temp/*, typo3conf/temp_*, Clear tables via install tool). Anyhow, I cleared all caches again this morning and let the user clear all temporary files and browser cache. We'll see.

Besides TemplaVoila the backend is not extended in any way. Only extensions shipped by TYPO3 are in use.

The problem appeared in mid to late july.

Now, here is a typical case for this error: An existing CE containing 5 links in an unordered list gets changed. The last Link gets removed and a new one is put atop.
- Last list item gets removed
- Direct the cursor to the beginning of the first list item > press [Return] to get a new empty list item
Fill the new list item with some text
- Mark the text and click on link wizard icon
- Enter URL into URL field, type in a title and set the link (now, RTE displays the text as a properly set link)
- Save CE
- After the RTE has reloaded the saved content, the RTE does not display the text a link anymore.

The markup in the frontend shows what I called nested link tags in the description above. You find the example on , topmost element of the right sidebar, first list item.

Inside RTE the Code of the whole list item after saving is < li >< a href="" title="SPD-Politikerin will weniger Umlage für Sanierung" external="1" >< /a >< a rtekeep="1" >SPD: Weniger Umlage für Sanierung< /a >< /li >

Actions #7

Updated by Stanislas Rolland almost 14 years ago

Is the issue always with external links?

The problem sems to be in the RTE transformation. The inside a-tag with rtekeep attribute is not normal. But I am not able to reproduce it with the described procedure.

Actions #8

Updated by Jan Loderhose almost 14 years ago

The issue is with all types of links. To my knowledge email has not been tested but it definitely has not been reported.

Actions #9

Updated by Stanislas Rolland almost 14 years ago

Let me know if you can grant me admin access to this site.

Actions #10

Updated by Jan Loderhose almost 14 years ago

Great offer, thanks a lot! I'll ask for permission.
Do I send the login to the email given in the info of ext htmlarea?

Actions #11

Updated by Administrator Admin almost 14 years ago

Any luck with solving this problem? I use TYPO3 4.4.2 and have similar problems with RTE and links. In my case not only links don't work, it even sometimes leaves p tag opened. Sometimes in backend everything looks like it should work, but after saving frontend shows something completely different (and messed up).

Actions #12

Updated by Stanislas Rolland almost 14 years ago

It seems that luck would indeed be needed here.

I still cannot reproduce this issue even on

Actions #13

Updated by Stanislas Rolland almost 14 years ago

Maybe this is related to #0015339 or to similar issue?

Do you have any extension that is extending or hooking on the RTE or on browse_links?

Check also in shy extensions.

Actions #14

Updated by Jan Loderhose almost 14 years ago

Hi guys, we still have no solution for this issue. The editors of the affected system aren't really cooperating, too. Doesn't seem to be that important after all ...

Stanislas, thank you again very much für your effort on checking this issue yourself!

The only ext I can imagine to conflict is rgmediaimages. It's claims to refer to some custom browse_links.php which doesn't exist. Additionally it introduces class.tx_cssstyledcontent.pi1.php which modifies a bunch of different content objects.

Actions #15

Updated by Stanislas Rolland over 13 years ago

The patch attached to issue #0016124 may fix this issue if it was caused by links being sometimes nested or incorrectly updated. Can't be sure as I was not able to reproduce the issue reported here.

Actions #16

Updated by Jan Loderhose over 13 years ago

This issue did not come up anymore. I guess we can close it. The system in question was update anyway. @stanislas thanks for your dedicated support!


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