Bug #24853
closedExtDirect: Invalid Security Token!
#0 [internal function]: t3lib_extjs_ExtDirectRouter->route(Array, Object(TYPO3AJAX))
#1 /home/.sites/954/site1602/web/t3lib/class.t3lib_div.php(5134): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
#2 /home/.sites/954/site1602/web/typo3/ajax.php(73): t3lib_div::callUserFunction('t3lib/extjs/cla...', Array, Object(TYPO3AJAX), false, true)
#3 {main}
(issue imported from #M17358)
Updated by Steffen Gebert about 14 years ago
Thanks for your report!
In which context does this message appear? Looks like some place was forgotten while implementing the Form protection.
Updated by Rainer Fischinger about 14 years ago
It appears at different positions. When i click on web>page, web>recycler oder web>list it appears in the right column (in a red box) above the page content. In the bottom section a "ExtDirect - Execption" appears with the error details. But it also appears when i click on the admin tools, etc.
Error above the content: "Validating the security token of this form has failed. Please reload the form and submit it again."
System Config:
upgrade today from 4.4.6 to 4.5 // changed to utf-8
Updated by Jacco van der Post about 14 years ago
Had this also on a 4.5 upgraded installation with
page.config.no_cache = 1
After enabling the cache, doing some stuff and than disable it again, no more errors till now. Dunno if this is indeed related.
Updated by Edgar Karlson about 14 years ago
Same here after upgrade from 4.5.0rc2 to 4.5.0 (stable).
I cleared /typo3temp/, cahce from BE and FF cache and error messages was gone! I would say - that's only an old cache issue!
Updated by Rainer Fischinger about 14 years ago
Ok, after the THIRD try of deleting typo3temp and BE/FE-cache it seems to be solved!