Bug #25125
closedt3lib_error_Exception Call-time pass-by-reference deprecated in Extension
PHP : Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated in /var/www/serc/typo3conf/ext/automator/classes/class.tx_automator.php line 80
the site is www.sercuarc.org if you would like to view your self. I cannot log into the back end to try to fix this issue, please help, what happened???
(issue imported from #M17700)
Updated by Steffen Gebert over 13 years ago
Please don't report everything as bug immediately.
Probably your hoster changed to PHP 5.3, where the mentioned call-time pass-by-reference is deprecated and emits this message. You can disable outputting such messages by modifying the error reporting in the Install Tool.
However, it would be better to change the extension to not use this deprecated way to pass references.
As this is not a TYPO3 bug, but a problem of the automator extension, I'm closing this one.