



Story #75589


Epic #75567: Accessibility: As an editor I want to create accessible content which passes the accessiblity tests from WCAG 2.0.

Table: I want to create an accessible table.

Added by Andrea Moroni about 8 years ago. Updated over 4 years ago.

Should have
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As an editor I want to create an accessible table

Acceptance Criteria:
  • The field is shown the general tab and is right below the table caption.
  • A warning is displayed
  • If there is no description - text “Some data tables should have an accessible description (e.g. summary) of contents of the table.”
  • if there is no table caption - text “Data tables should have a name”
  • if the table caption is not unique in this page - text “Data tables should have unique name”
  • if the table caption is the same like the description - text “Name must be different from description”
  • If “no header position” is selected - text “Data cells in data tables must have row and / or column header cells.”

The warning contains the WCAG rule and a direct link to the explanation of the rule (WCAG 1.3.1, Level A -

Technical Description / Additional Information:
The description is not rendered as (table-summary e.g.) in fluid_styled_content current (will write a ticket for this).
There are more rules for tables in WCAG 2.0. They are not considered in this user-story, since the core-table wizard doesn't allow complex tables.

Actions #1

Updated by Andrea Moroni about 8 years ago

  • Subject changed from Table: As an editor I want to create an accessible table. to Table: I want to create an accessible table.
  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #2

Updated by Andrea Moroni about 8 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #3

Updated by Abramo Tesoro over 4 years ago

  • Tags set to accessibility
Actions #4

Updated by Susanne Moog over 4 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

As there is currently no one working on these stories and as we have a restarted accessibility initiative and these kind of stories should be taken into account and planned to be developed by that initiative. Of course, the content here is still relevant and can be used for creating further plans once concrete steps to implement these stories are being taken.


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