Bug #76872
closedController class not found
In 7.6.9, I started a new extension with extension_builder. I have this ext_localconf.php\TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Utility\ExtensionUtility::configurePlugin(
'Aot.' . $_EXTKEY,
array('Object1' => 'show'),
and Object1Controller with showAction() method in geogebra\Classes\Controller directory. My problem is when I render FE display, I get an "Oops, an error occurred!" and "exception":"exception 'ReflectionException' with message 'Class Tx_Aotgeogebra_Controller_Object1Controller does not exist'" in typo3temp\logs.
I found that replacing 'Aot.' . $_EXTKEY
with 'Aot' . $_EXTKEY
solved the error message but my content element is absolutely not displayed in FE. Furthermore, if I modify ext_tables.php accordingly to ext_localconf.php, CType is no longer valid.
Any idea of what I should do?