Bug #79988
closedFix ensureCorrectPostOrderingByCategoryTitle extbase test on postgres
Updated by Christian Kuhn almost 8 years ago
The functional test in extbase with the 3 data sets added with patch https://review.typo3.org/#/c/51320/ reveals a nasty issue in extbase query building:
TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\Storage\Exception\SqlErrorException: SQLSTATE42803: Grouping error: 7 ERROR: column "sys_category.title" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function
LINE 1: ..."tx_blogexample_domain_model_post"."uid" ORDER BY "sys_categ...
The offending query is:
SELECT "tx_blogexample_domain_model_post".* FROM "tx_blogexample_domain_model_post" "tx_blogexample_domain_model_post" LEFT JOIN "sys_category_record_mm" "sys_category_record_mm" ON ("tx_blogexample_domain_model_post"."uid" = sys_category_record_mm.uid_foreign) AND (("sys_category_record_mm"."tablenames" = :dcValue1) AND ("sys_category_record_mm"."fieldname" = :dcValue2)) LEFT JOIN "sys_category" "sys_category" ON "sys_category_record_mm"."uid_local" = sys_category.uid WHERE ("tx_blogexample_domain_model_post"."uid" IN (5, 2)) AND ("tx_blogexample_domain_model_post"."sys_language_uid" IN (0, -1)) AND ("tx_blogexample_domain_model_post"."pid" = 0) AND (tx_blogexample_domain_model_post.hidden=0 AND "tx_blogexample_domain_model_post"."deleted" = 0) AND ((("sys_category"."sys_language_uid" IN (0, -1)) AND ("sys_category"."pid" IN (0, 0)) AND (sys_category.hidden=0 AND (sys_category.starttime<=1487870820) AND (sys_category.endtime=0 OR sys_category.endtime>1487870820) AND "sys_category"."deleted" = 0)) OR ("sys_category"."uid" IS NULL)) GROUP BY "tx_blogexample_domain_model_post"."uid" ORDER BY "sys_category"."title" ASC, "tx_blogexample_domain_model_post"."uid" ASC
The problem is basically that the order by 'sys_category.title' requires that this field is within the group by, too - but that changes the result set.
The group by is added by typo3/sysext/extbase/Classes/Persistence/Generic/Storage/Typo3DbQueryParser.php ~980 where the join handling is done in method addUnionStatement().
Playing around with the query, a limited solution could be:
SELECT DISTINCT ON (category.title) post.* FROM post LEFT JOIN cat_mm ON (post.uid = cat_mm.uid_foreign) LEFT JOIN category ON cat_mm.uid_local = category.uid WHERE (post.uid IN (1, 2)) ORDER BY category.title ASC, post.uid ASC
Deal is here that the "category.title" order by is the first in the order list, and this is then used as "distinct on" ... limit: this works only if there is no further sorting added.
Updated by Christian Kuhn almost 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
issue handled with #80014