Feature #83930
closedShow title of IRRE element right after it is entered (restore 6.2 backend behaviour)
Up to TYPO3 6.2, when an IRRE record was created and the designated "title" field was filled, some small Javascript adjusted the title shown in the title bar of the element "on the fly", i.e. without saving.
In 7.6 and 8.7, this feature is missing, "[No title]" is displayed until the whole form is saved. Just after saving the element titles are set.
This is probably a no-brainer with some small onChange event on the title field of the IRRE records, but it is a nice little addition that's missed by some of "my" editors. Apparently, it makes life easier for them. ;-)
Updated by Georg Ringer about 7 years ago
That is not a no brainer as it does not work for date fields, relations, user functions and custom implementation. Therefore I am for rejection this feature
Updated by Sven Teuber about 7 years ago
Hm, how did they do it in 6.2, then? There has been a working solution - I guess it got lost when ExtJS was removed, not due to complex changes in the PHP core, didnĀ“t it?
Updated by Sven Teuber about 7 years ago
- File irre-title.png irre-title.png added
Just to prevent possible misunderstandings, I attached an image explaining what I mean.
How is this not solvable by something like (in pseoudocode):
ChildTitleField.on('change', function() { $(this).parents('.irre-label-field').text($(this).value; });