

Georg Ringer

  • Login: just2b
  • Registered on: 2008-02-19
  • Last sign in: 2024-12-04


open closed Total
Assigned issues 14 635 649
Reported issues 21 1186 1207


Project Roles Registered on
TYPO3 Core Member 2011-01-13



19:17 TYPO3 Core Bug #105677: File reference cannot be hidden
IMHO known issue, it depends if the hidden checkbox is rendered in the tca of the irre record or not
related: #96135
Georg Ringer


20:00 TYPO3 Core Bug #105367 (Resolved): Cast content of f:link.action to string
Applied in changeset commit:f1d2bc69c46d295b48a670f4c56d4c88c73e9660. Georg Ringer
19:57 TYPO3 Core Revision da5f81e2: [BUGFIX] Cast tag-content of several ViewHelpers to string
Several Fluid ViewHelpers used the method:
However, in man...
Georg Ringer
19:57 TYPO3 Core Revision f1d2bc69: [BUGFIX] Cast tag-content of several ViewHelpers to string
Several Fluid ViewHelpers used the method:
However, in man...
Georg Ringer


11:48 TYPO3 Core Revision c0b953ff: [BUGFIX] Early return if no rootline provided in SysTemplateRepository
Avoid an invalid SQL syntax by using an early return if no
rootline is provided to the method `getSysTemplateRowsByRo...
Georg Ringer
11:48 TYPO3 Core Revision 63d30098: [BUGFIX] Early return if no rootline provided in SysTemplateRepository
Avoid an invalid SQL syntax by using an early return if no
rootline is provided to the method `getSysTemplateRowsByRo...
Georg Ringer
09:55 TYPO3 Core Bug #105541 (Resolved): TYPO3 13.4: calling getSysTemplateRowsByRootline with empty array as $rootline causes sql error
Applied in changeset commit:5c6656463a9b763ff886fd033c24a62e73d7b724. Georg Ringer
09:52 TYPO3 Core Revision 5c665646: [BUGFIX] Early return if no rootline provided in SysTemplateRepository
Avoid an invalid SQL syntax by using an early return if no
rootline is provided to the method `getSysTemplateRowsByRo...
Georg Ringer


14:46 TYPO3 Core Bug #102178: Html lang field wrong
just my 2c: a lot is not set in stone and helpful input is always welcome but as every one of us got a day job, a lif... Georg Ringer
08:03 TYPO3 Core Bug #105547 (Accepted): Record selector should not render page translations
If using a page selection, e.g. TCA type @group@, then it is possible to select a page translation, see screenshot
Georg Ringer

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