Bug #88174
closedPageTitle should allow quotation marks
Hi all,
I want to set the page title to a string which contains quotation marks.
<title>Hotel xy "Single Room"</title>
According to W3C Validator, it's allowed to have quotation marks in the title tag.
I set the title via the PageRenderer class of the core extension ( \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Page\PageRenderer->setTitle ).
But the quotation marks will be escaped: The PageRendererClass always escapes the title via htmlspecialchars().
For example in the getPreparedMarkerArray method:
'TITLE' => $this->title ? str_replace('|', htmlspecialchars($this->title), $this->titleTag) : '',
What are your thoughts?
Kind regards,
Updated by Michael Rainer almost 6 years ago
Michael Rainer wrote:
Hi all,
I want to set the page title to a string which contains quotation marks.
<title>Hotel xy "Single Room"</title>
...According to W3C Validator, it's allowed to have quotation marks in the title tag.
I set the title via the PageRenderer class of the core extension ( \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Page\PageRenderer->setTitle ).
But the quotation marks will be escaped: The PageRendererClass always escapes the title via htmlspecialchars().For example in the getPreparedMarkerArray method:
'TITLE' => $this->title ? str_replace('|', htmlspecialchars($this->title), $this->titleTag) : '',
What are your thoughts?
Kind regards,
Sorry guys,
it was a mistake by myself.
My custom viewhelper escaped the content and therefore
it was a double escaping problem.
The issue can be closed.