Bug #91291
openFlexForm - Value of field is string instead of array
Hello everyone,
I'm currently working on a Extension with FlexForms and stumbled onto something.
Accessing $config['row']['settings.*'] of other flexform settings in itemsProcFunc results in a string instead of an array while using a display condition in some cases.
I created a FlexForm with two selectSingleFields Board and List. Both fields get their values from itemsProcFunc. The List-Select relies on a displayCond that requires Board to be set. Board has an onChange reload property to reload the FlexForm that then shows List.
Code here:
In the List-ItemsProcFunc I access the value of Board. In some cases, like during the creation of a new content element with this plugin and flexform, the value of Board equals a string. In other cases, like editing an existing plugin, the value of Board equals an array with a single value.
Code here:
This seems to be an issue with the differentiation of columns into new or edit in FormDataProvider\TcaFlexProcess. In some occasions List will be an editColumn where Board is a newColumn. In this case Board will not be resolved at the time List is interpreted, which results in a string instead of an array.
I'm not too familiar with the handling of FlexForms but this does seem like a bug?
Updated by Pierrick Caillon over 3 years ago
- File FlexFormService.patch added
- File scratch.xml added
- Subject changed from FlexForm - Value of field is string instead of array to FlexForm - Value of container field is string instead of array
- Complexity set to no-brainer
Updated by Pierrick Caillon over 3 years ago
- File deleted (
Updated by Pierrick Caillon over 3 years ago
- Subject changed from FlexForm - Value of container field is string instead of array to FlexForm - Value of field is string instead of array
- Complexity deleted (
After re-reading the subject it does not look like the exact same issue I encoutered. I create a new ticket for my issue.