

Pierrick Caillon

  • Login: mygoddess
  • Registered on: 2009-02-05
  • Last sign in: 2024-01-10


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 10 10
Reported issues 1 14 15


Project Roles Registered on
TYPO3 Core Contributor 2015-06-15



12:24 TYPO3 Core Bug #104194 (Closed): File move flash message does not display previous location
When moving a file using default clipboard in v12, the success message contains the destination path as source path t... Pierrick Caillon


17:09 TYPO3 Core Feature #90623: FAL: video thumbnails in BE module Filelist
The snippet is no longer available. Pierrick Caillon


17:24 TYPO3 Core Bug #95181: FlexForm – String returned for empty sections instead of Array
I have created the smallest possible extension to provide necessary configuration.
In the attached video, I illustrat...
Pierrick Caillon


16:19 TYPO3 Core Bug #95181: FlexForm – String returned for empty sections instead of Array
It is not when a section is declared empty in the datastructure. But after removing all elements from a declared sect... Pierrick Caillon


14:40 TYPO3 Core Bug #95181 (Needs Feedback): FlexForm – String returned for empty sections instead of Array
When using the section feature of FlexForm, and empting a section, the result parsed flexform will contain an empty s... Pierrick Caillon
14:33 TYPO3 Core Bug #91291: FlexForm - Value of field is string instead of array
After re-reading the subject it does not look like the exact same issue I encoutered. I create a new ticket for my is... Pierrick Caillon


08:00 TYPO3 Core Bug #94714: SvgFilesSanitization prevent subsequent file search
@Oliver: Thanks. Pierrick Caillon


09:42 TYPO3 Core Revision a02928f5: [BUGFIX] Reset query filters for file storages
After query filers for file storages have been used, those settings
have to be reset. `StorageRepository::$storageIns...
Pierrick Caillon
09:42 TYPO3 Core Revision 010774c6: [BUGFIX] Reset query filters for file storages
After query filers for file storages have been used, those settings
have to be reset. `StorageRepository::$storageIns...
Pierrick Caillon
09:41 TYPO3 Core Revision 3cb486e1: [BUGFIX] Reset query filters for file storages
After query filers for file storages have been used, those settings
have to be reset. `StorageRepository::$storageIns...
Pierrick Caillon

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