



Bug #94196


Visibility of translated content element of hidden CE is different in backend and frontend

Added by Sybille Peters about 3 years ago. Updated over 2 years ago.

Should have
Backend User Interface
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language, translation, backend
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I am not sure if this is a bug or intended behaviour - but it can be confusing because "visibility in frontend (FE)" for translated content element (CE) of hidden CE is not displayed in the backend (BE).

  • "Show hidden content elements" - will not consider translated elements in connected mode with hidden original
  • translated CE with hidden original are not marked as hidden in BE

The question is if you just show the state of the "hidden" database field for the record or if you show if the state of the element, if it is "hidden" (taking the state of the original and possibly the configuration into account).


├── ce_de - original language (hidden)
└── ce_en - translation (not hidden)

1. Create a page and a content element on it
2. Translate it in connected mode ("Translate", not copy)
3. Change the state of the content element of the original language to "hidden" (not of the translation)
4. View both pages in the Frontend (FE): both the translated and the original will not be displayed in the Frontend
5. Look at the "Show hidden content elements" on the bottom of the page, click it on / off


  • The translated content element will not be displayed in the Frontend, it will effectively inherit the "hidden" state of the original
  • BUT, the translated content is not treated as "hidden" in the backend - "Show hidden content elements" shows only 1 and does not deactivate the display of the translated CE in the backend. The CE is not displayed as "hidden"

Expected result

Either treat translations of hidden CE as hidden too in FE and BE or in some other way mark them as "invisible in FE" while viewing them in BE - otherwise this is confusing.


do_not_show_hidden.png (24.4 KB) do_not_show_hidden.png Sybille Peters, 2021-05-26 06:24
show_hidden.png (35.2 KB) show_hidden.png Sybille Peters, 2021-05-26 06:24

Related issues 1 (1 open0 closed)

Related to TYPO3 Core - Bug #94195: Translated (connected mode) content will still get checked by linkvalidator if original content is hiddenNew2021-05-26

Actions #1

Updated by Sybille Peters about 3 years ago

  • Related to Bug #94195: Translated (connected mode) content will still get checked by linkvalidator if original content is hidden added
Actions #2

Updated by Sybille Peters about 3 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #3

Updated by Sybille Peters about 3 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)

In translated mode, the translated element depends on its original. If you delete the original, the translated element gets deleted too. If you set hidden=1 for the original, the translated gets hidden too in the frontend. However, in the backend, this is not re

Actions #4

Updated by Sybille Peters over 2 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

I think this is the correct and defined behaviour, so not a bug. Though it can be confusing. But that might be possible to visualize this in a different way in the BE. But, not a bug.


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