Bug #94700
openRuntime Exception on back from addRecord in IRRE
When adding a new related IRRE record a runtime exception is thrown after closing the related record:
(1/1) #1489751361 RuntimeException Empty context string given
Supposing we have a relation between athletes (parent table) and competitions (child table) that is the results (MM table).
To reproduce:
1) use this TCA in a field of the parent record (athlete):
'results' => [ 'config' => [ 'type' => 'inline', 'foreign_table' => 'tx_iantest_domain_model_result', 'foreign_field' => 'athlete', 'foreign_sortby' => 'sorting', ], ],
2) use this TCA in the field of the MM record (result):
'competition' => [ 'config' => [ 'type' => 'group', 'internal_type' => 'db', 'allowed' => 'tx_iantest_domain_model_competition', 'foreign_table' => 'tx_iantest_domain_model_competition', 'size' => 1, 'maxitems' => 1, 'minitems' => 0, 'hideDeleteIcon' => true, 'fieldControl' => [ 'elementBrowser' => [ 'disabled' => true, ], 'addRecord' => [ 'disabled' => false, 'options' => [ 'pid' => $settings->getCompetitionsPid(), ], ], 'editPopup' => [ 'disabled' => false, ], ], ] ],
3) Edit the parent record (athlete) and click the button to create a new IRRE
4) In the IRRE row click on [+] button to create a new child record (competition).
5) Now, since the parent record has been modified, TYPO3 asks the editor what to do:
[continue editing], [discard changes], [save and close]
and the only way to go to the add record form is to choose [discard changes]
6) The add record (competition) appears, edit it and save & close
7) At this point the exception is thrown.
Practically, this exception is thrown only if the parent record has been modified.
No data to display