Bug #95133
closedrouteEnhancers routeFieldName gets mixed up with uid if it contains digits at the beginning of the phrase
I conifgured a custom extension which creates a 6 digit random code. The code ist saved in the DB and used as a slug field for the dataset.
type: Extbase
extension: Package
plugin: Donation
routePath: '/{code}'
_controller: 'Donation::showForm'
battle-code: battleHero
defaultController: 'Donation::showForm'
type: PersistedAliasMapper
tableName: fe_users
routeFieldName: battle_code
If the first digits of the code-field contain digits which match the uid of another dataset, this dataset is used in Links. I found no way to prevent this and think this is a nasty bug :)
Updated by Gregor Agnes about 3 years ago
- Subject changed from routeEnhancers routeFieldName gets mixed up with uid if it contains digits in at the beginning of the phrase to routeEnhancers routeFieldName gets mixed up with uid if it contains digits at the beginning of the phrase
Updated by Gregor Agnes about 3 years ago
I found the problem: in the link viewhelper I have to pass the whole object, not only the code-(slug-) property.
Please delete this report or mark as resolved :)