Bug #97034
closedSystem News not rendering RTE Links and URLs containing a protocol
the core function sys_news seems to strip out any links (internal, external, files,...) set from the RTE field 'content' and any raw text starting with http:// or https://.
The editing view is fine and everything is saved correctly, but the message on the login mask is shown without the links or URLs.
Example content:
<p>Link extern: <a href="https://www.something.de">test</a><br />
Link intern: <a href="t3://page?uid=4">test2 </a><br />
URL without link: https://www.something.de</p>
Any other RTE options (bold, italic, lists) woras expected.
I can reproduce this problem on several TYPO3 10 LTS projects.
In version 9 LTS it is working.
Updated by cosmoblonde GmbH almost 3 years ago
- Subject changed from System News to System News not rendering RTE Links and URLs containing a protocol
Updated by Christian Kuhn almost 3 years ago
- Related to Bug #67556: System news cannot render RTE content added
Updated by Christian Kuhn almost 3 years ago
- Related to deleted (Bug #67556: System news cannot render RTE content)
Updated by Christian Kuhn almost 3 years ago
- Is duplicate of Bug #67556: System news cannot render RTE content added
Updated by Christian Kuhn almost 3 years ago
- Status changed from New to Needs Feedback
Hey. Thanks for the report. You're right, afaik is this still broken in v10.
We had a couple of patches to fix this in v11, though.
Due to rather huge impact of those patches and various pre-patches, we didn't adapt v10. I'm afraid you'll have to live with this issue until upgrading to v11. Is this ok with you? Could you maybe re-test v11? I just did so, and it works for me.
Updated by cosmoblonde GmbH almost 3 years ago
Christian Kuhn wrote in #note-6:
Hey. Thanks for the report. You're right, afaik is this still broken in v10.
We had a couple of patches to fix this in v11, though.
Due to rather huge impact of those patches and various pre-patches, we didn't adapt v10. I'm afraid you'll have to live with this issue until upgrading to v11. Is this ok with you? Could you maybe re-test v11? I just did so, and it works for me.
Thank you for the info.
Yes, I can confirm that the problem does not exist for v11.
Updated by Christian Kuhn almost 3 years ago
- Status changed from Needs Feedback to Closed
Hey. Thanks for feedback. I'll close this - those changes won't be backported to v10 anymore.
Updated by Yurii Panchenko about 2 years ago
Christian Kuhn wrote in #note-6:
Hey. Thanks for the report. You're right, afaik is this still broken in v10.
We had a couple of patches to fix this in v11, though.
Due to rather huge impact of those patches and various pre-patches, we didn't adapt v10. I'm afraid you'll have to live with this issue until upgrading to v11. Is this ok with you? Could you maybe re-test v11? I just did so, and it works for me.
How to fix this in version 10? The project is big, I can't use version 11 at the moment.