Feature #98099
openGive editors access to the backend module User Management
In many customer installations, I always have the requirement that editors themselves want to create additional editors.
So far I have always solved this by creating a special admin account for them, but in my eyes it makes little sense to give editors an admin account.
So my feature request would be to enable an activation of the module backend user for editors. Of course the function create as admin should not be possible.
I could imagine that I am not the only one with this requirement.
Regards, Andreas
Updated by Andreas Keck over 2 years ago
- Target version changed from 12 LTS to Candidate for Major Version
Updated by Sybille Peters over 2 years ago
- Tags changed from backenduser to backenduser, backend user management
AFAIK this is (was) possible with the extension tc_beuser (TC Tools). Unfortunately, this extension does not have a good description (such as "What does it do") in the documentation and it is in German https://extensions.typo3.org/extension/tc_beuser
docs: https://docs.typo3.org/p/dkd/tc-beuser/5.0/en-us/GroupAdmin/Index.html
I still think it might be useful to have this in the core: have a "chief editor" (or several of these) who can manage the other users, including creating BE users and changing them. The "chief editor" could be responsible for an entire installation, a site etc.
Updated by Andreas Keck over 2 years ago
Ok, thanks for the Tip. But not Compatible with actual TYPO3 Versions. I'll contact the Extension Author and ask him, if its possible to update the extension.