



Bug #98963


Section Contents not shown in header on Firefox #1987

Added by !frappant webfactory over 1 year ago. Updated 2 months ago.

Should have
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When I open a content element that uses flux.sections, there are no titles in the individual "tabs". If a single tab is opened and closed once, a title is visible in that tab (content of the tab).
This problem seems to be browser dependent. I could only see this problem in Mozilla Firefox, in Google Chrome it work properly.

TYPO3: 11.5.14
Flux: 9.6.1

Tested Browser:
Mozilla Firefox 91.12.0esr (64-Bit) (on Windows)
Mozilla Firefox 103.0 (64-Bit) (on Mac)

Screenshot of the Problem:

Flux Configuration:

<f:section name="Configuration">
<flux:form options="{group: 'FCE', icon: 'EXT:frp_fce/Resources/Public/Thumbnails/module_contentslider.png'}" id="contentslider">
    <flux:form.sheet name="slider">
        <flux:form.section name="slides" label="slides">
            <flux:form.object name="default">
                <flux:field.input name="caption" maxCharacters="55" required="1"/>
                <flux:field.input name="title" maxCharacters="30" required="1"/>
                <flux:field.input name="subtitle" maxCharacters="55" required="1"/>
                <flux:field name="link" label="link" type="input" config="{
                                    renderType: 'inputLink'
                            }" />
                            <flux:field.input name="linktext" maxCharacters="55" required="1"/>
                            <flux:field type="group" 
                                        type: 'group',
                                        internal_type: 'db',
                                        allowed: 'sys_file',
                                        size: '1',
                                        minitems: 0,
                                        maxitems: 1,
                                        show_tumbs: 1,
                                    appearance: {
                                            elementBrowserType: 'file',
                                            elementBrowserAllowed: 'jpg,jpeg,png,gif'
                                }}" />

for better readability, flux config also visible in a gist:

We created a new issue at the flux github but got the answer that this is not a flux related problem:
"Sorry, but you have to report this to the TYPO3 core bug tracker, The problem is not caused by Flux and cannot be fixed in Flux - any implementation of a FlexForm with section+sectionobject (and possibly even root level TCA fields of type inline, I've not tested this) also without Flux would be similarly affected."

Actions #1

Updated by Riccardo De Contardi 2 months ago ยท Edited

I think I'm able to reproduce this issue with the latest TYPO3 13.2.0-dev with the following setup

- Firefox 125.0.3-dev (64 bit) on MacOS
- Chrome 124.0.6367.119 (x86_64) on MacOS
- TYPO3 13.2.0-dev
- StyleGuide EXT enabled


1) Create a page,visit it
2) List view > create new record element, type: " TYPO3 CMS Backend Styleguide and Testing use cases" > choose "Form engine - Flex"
3) Edit it > tab "section container"
4) Click on "Container_1" button and add a content element > you will see a closed "accordion" with text title "container_1"
5) Expand it to edit it > field input_1 description [section_1] : "Test"; field color_1 [section_1]: "#ff0000"
6) Save it


1) when the accordion is opened , the accordion text title is stil "container_1"

2) when the accordion is closed you will in the accordion title the see the two contents,too i.e.: "container_1 Test / #ff0000"
if you expand it again, the two contents disappear and you see just "container_1" .

If you repeat the test with Chrome, you will have the same results

I think that so far this is the expected behavior, but the bug arises and the two browsers behave differently when you

1) Be sure to close the accordion
2) Close the content element
2) Reopen it for editing

Expected behavior

The accordion should be in closed state and the accordion title text should be "container_1 Test / #ff0000" (I guess, at least)

Results with Firefox

The Accordion is in the closed state but the title is just "container_1", when you open and close it again it will show the content element part "Test / #ff0000"

Results with Chrome

I am afraid to say that the results with Chrome are a bit erratic:

1) when you reopen the content element the content part "Test / #ff0000" is not always shown, sometimes you have to open it, close it again and close the content element, reopen the content element at least a couple of times before it is shown !

2) Also If you are in the closed accordion state, and see the title "container_1 Test / #ff0000", if you click on "save" button, I've found that sometimes the content part "Test / #ff0000" is kept and sometimes it is not

I am sorry I can't be more precise but, as I said, the behavior looks erratic. IDK what triggers it


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