

Riccardo De Contardi

  • Login: erredeco
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  • Registered on: 2009-01-26
  • Last sign in: 2024-07-25


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 1 1
Reported issues 25 165 190


Project Roles Registered on
TYPO3 Core Member 2015-04-24



09:09 TYPO3 Core Task #59116 (Closed): Workspace module shows unmodified values
I close this issue as solved on version 12 and 13 (see my comment)
if you think that this is the wrong decision or...
Riccardo De Contardi
08:42 TYPO3 Core Task #59116: Workspace module shows unmodified values
I tried the following test on version 13.3.0-dev:
h3. Prerequisites
- TYPO3 13.3.0-dev with "LIVE" workspace an...
Riccardo De Contardi


08:06 TYPO3 Core Bug #82946 (Closed): Categories get lost when translating content elements created in a draft workspace
No feedback within 90 days > I close this issue.
If you think that this is the wrong decision or experience the is...
Riccardo De Contardi
08:06 TYPO3 Core Bug #99614 (Closed): Category tree only shows first category in records categories tab if permission category is only checked for first level
No feedback within 90 days > I close this issue.
If you think that this is the wrong decision or experience the is...
Riccardo De Contardi
08:03 TYPO3 Core Bug #100947 (Closed): Workspace preview in slider mode lets the "staged version" shine through behind "published version" when CSS background(-color) is not set
No feedback within 90 days > I close this issue.
If you think that this is the wrong decision or experience the is...
Riccardo De Contardi


14:59 TYPO3 Core Bug #93383 (Closed): og:image only works on rootsite with typoscript & rootline-slide
Sorry for this late reply. I tend to close this issue for the following reasons:
Riccardo De Contardi


20:32 TYPO3 Core Task #102329: Modal "Remove Temporary Assets" can't be closed with ESC when assets were removed
The issue is still valid for version 13
Test procedure
1) Admin tools > Manteinance > Card "Remove Temporary As...
Riccardo De Contardi
13:31 TYPO3 Core Task #101085 (Closed): Problems with Drag & Drop in Page layout
I close this issue as a duplicate of #103536 which has already a patch attached.
Please continue the discussion th...
Riccardo De Contardi


08:25 TYPO3 Core Bug #99703 (Needs Feedback): EXT:form: hidden field _trustedProperties: htmlspecialchars conversion not working
Hi can you tell me if this still happens on version 12 or 13? Thank you Riccardo De Contardi


10:12 TYPO3 Core Feature #99424: Make always accessible in the the page module's screen the toggles for hidden and unused contents visibility
How about putting a "view" dropdown in the header bar, on the right side? I mean here:
It would be...
Riccardo De Contardi

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