Bug #99589
closedHuge amount of records in cache_hash table with maximum lifetime
I noticed that cache_hash table contains massive amount of records with lifetime 2145909600. The table „cache_hash“ itself had a size of 241 GB and these records can not be removed by Table garbage collection (scheduler) because the mentioned lifetime.
As I can see Typo3DatabaseBackend contains constant which is called FAKED_UNLIMITED_EXPIRE with value 2145909600. It seems that unlimited expire value is used for some caching entries if provided lifetime param is 0. These entries contain following tags: ident_TMPL_CONDITIONS_ALL , ident_TS_TEMPLATE.
Updated by Christian Kuhn about 2 years ago
- Related to Feature #97816: New TypoScript parser added
Updated by Christian Kuhn about 2 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
The mess TemplateService may create with caches was one reason to rewrite the entire thing with v12 in #97816.
This was a major rewrite and we're still in the process of implementing minor details in v12. This won't be backported to v11 and v10.
I need to ask you to clear cache_hash once in a while in v10 when this grows so huge. Your instance may be a good target for a relatively quick v12 upgrade.
I will close the issue: We won't have huge changes in this area in v10 / v11 anymore, I hope this is fine with you.