


Bug #25323

Updated by Alexander Opitz almost 10 years ago

Hi, all 

 I'm working with HMENU using the status IFSUB. Now I recogniced the following issue: 
 If I move a page in the backend like the following (using Drag&Drop): 
 * page1 
 * page2 
 * page3 

 * page1 
 ** page2 
 * page3 

 After that I have to clear the whole cache that the link for page1 is rendered using the IFSUB-Settings. 

 You can try it yourself: 
 * set up a clean TYPO3 (or use a test-environment) and create a page-structure like described above. 
 * create a HMENU using the states NO and IFSUB. You can also try CUR and CURIFSUB 
 * view the frontend to generate the cache-entries in the database for the HMENU 
 * move page2 into page1 (so that page2 is a subpage of page1) 
 * view the frontend without clearing the cache and you'll see that page1 is rendered using the NO-Settings 
 * clear the cache and you'll see that now page1 is rendered using the IFSUB-Settings 


 TYPO3 v4.5.2 
 PHP v5.3 

 Used TypoScript: 
 (issue imported from #M17946)
