


Feature #23206

Updated by Alexander Opitz almost 10 years ago

Flash uploader is just great. But we can't use them into usual content element to attach e.g. many images. If we want to do that we must  
 open filelist in new tab,  
 upload with flash uploader,  
 move back to first tab  
 click-click-click uplaoded images in traditional way.  
 ... or we can select image to uload and save, select and save, ...  

 It's just too long. Why cant' we enable flash upolader by default for files in TCA? We know all file extensions and maximal sizes at that moment. Or if we can't for some reasons enable it by default, developer of extension should have possibility allow that feature during TCA configuration. Just like TCA-autocomplete is done now. 


 (issue imported from #M15148)
