


Task #63207

Updated by Mathias Schreiber over 9 years ago

The action icons in Web -> List take up too much space. 
 The idea is to classify actions into *primary* and *secondary* actions. 

 Primary actions behave like all buttons today. They show up in the extended view of Web List. 
 Secondary actions on the other hand should be grouped into a (new) single icon and be accessible on hover/tap. 

 The behaviour if "extended view" should be changed to no longer toggle "action icons" on or off, but to toggle "secondary action icons grouped or visible at all times". 
 So by default, primary actions are *always* available. 

 Since you can register your own action icons, there needs to be a clear way to register action icons as primary or secondary actions. 
 All icons registered without a classification are treated as *primary* action icons so the current behaviour is being kept. 

 The standard action icons are classified as follows: 
 Primary Actions: 
 * Show 
 * Edit 
 * Show/Hide 
 * Delete 

 Seconday Actions: 
 * Info 
 * History 
 * Access (pages only) 
 * Create new record after 
 * Move (pages only) 
 * Move up (should be replaced by drag n drop sorting) 
 * Move down (should be replaced by drag n drop sorting) 
 * Move into (pages only) 
 * Move outside (pages only)
