


Feature #22859

Updated by Mathias Schreiber over 9 years ago

As reported in issue 0014686: 

 A typical workflow for creating/cutomizing new templates of nearly any extension is: 

 Copy the content of tmpl-file from the ext-directory to a fileadmin subdirectory. 
 Therefore I open the template inside the file-view of the extension manager and copy all data with CTRL+A    and then CTRL+C. Then I go to the fileadmin area and enter the desired subdirectoy. Then I click on the new file icon and insert a filename. Save the file and then open the file to paste it.  

 So why not be able to click on an icon that will open the typo3-filemanger and copy it to a desired loaction inside fileadmin?  

 I always use the original template-file and then customize it for the special needs of the customers website. 


 Maybe this would be good for all none-skript-files? 

   * html 
   * tmpl 
   * gif/jpeg/png 
   * htaccess 
 (issue imported from #M14687)
