


Feature #20777

Updated by Wouter Wolters over 9 years ago

A lot of extensions works with points in their locallang.xml files like listView.more. 

 At the moment its not possible to overwrite these locallang labels via Typoscript because the point will be interpreted as new subarray. 

 It would be great if the function, which loads the locallang Typoscript labels, could be changed as shown in the attached diff patch. 
 The patch changes the function pi_loadLL in the class.tslib_pibase so only in the subarray of _LOCAL_LANG its possible to have keys like listView.more. 

 Of course its possible to overwrite these function in every of my own extensions but it would be nice if it would works for tt_news and all other big extensions out of the box. 


 (issue imported from #M11571)
