


Feature #23085

Updated by Mathias Schreiber over 9 years ago

The save and view button in the backend is only working on records of type tt_content and pages. The normal behavior of the button is to save the record and to show the page where the record is saved. In some cases the records are stored in sysfolder and therefore TYPO3 is not able to display the content. 
 The attached patch implements a new page TSconfig setting common.table.$table.FePreviewPid where a preview PID could be set for each table. An additional hook can be used to modify the PreviewURL after the save operation for adding additional parameter to the URL. 
 Unittest for the hook is included, see Notes. 


 tt_news and commerce have implemented a working solution for the button, but this is done by modifying the _POST request in the Datamap hooks in TCEmain.  
 The unittest will only work, if bug #23084 is already patched to core  
 (issue imported from #M14983)
