Feature #23762
Updated by Mathias Schreiber almost 10 years ago
I noticed that TYPO3 seems to have problems on using internal-chars within dataWrap'ped typoscript-values. Internal-Chars are f.e.: the pipe "|" curls like ( ) { } The only "hack" figured out by myself is to use a LOAD_REGISTER where ever possible to avoid using the chars them-self within Typoscript values/wraps. There should be a more programmer friendly way to solve this! My recommendation: Make Typoscript handle "escapes" like they work in RegEXP (escape-sequences f.e. "\"). f.e. output curls: \{ \( <-- THESE WILL BE HANDLED AS TEXT IN TS! Example: DOES NOT WORK: -- TS-Setup -- 10 = TEXT 10.dataWrap = {THIS SHOULD BE SHOWN AS TEXT WITH CURL} 20 = TEXT 20.dataWrap ( <script language="text/javascript"> // Curls may be very annoing using Javascript with InsertData/Registers in Typoscript!!! // example: function test() { // THIS WILL NOT RENDER CORRECTLY WITH CURLS! } // another example: var JSON={value:test} // CRASH: DOES NOT RENDER OUT AS SHOWN HERE! </script> ) DOES WORK 10 = COA 10.1 = LOAD_REGISTER 10.1.openCurl = { 10.1.closeCurl = } 10.10 = TEXT 10.10.dataWrap = {register:openCurl}THIS SHOULD BE SHOWN AS TEXT WITH CURL{register:closeCurl} 20.20 = TEXT 20.20.dataWrap ( <script language="text/javascript"> // Curls may be very annoing using Javascript with InsertData/Registers in Typoscript!!! // example: function test() {register:openCurl} // THIS HACK WILL WORK! {register:closeCurl} // another example: var JSON={register:openCurl}value:test{register:closeCurl} </script> ) I hope this Hack will work for anybody having the issue like me. (issue imported from #M16881)