Bug #59528
Updated by Tymoteusz Motylewski almost 10 years ago
At the TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Service\IndexerService::indexFile method the file size is determined by getimagesize:
list($fileInfo['width'], $fileInfo['height']) = getimagesize($rawFileLocation);
On failure, FALSE is returned.
@see http://mx2.php.net/manual/en/function.getimagesize.php
If ann error occours, fileInfo['width'] and $fileInfo['height'] will be NULL and the following MySQL error happens:
Column 'height' cannot be null
INSERT INTO sys_file
This error occurs, for example when rendering an image in the FE and a crop-scale is executed. So the image has to be indexed.
It can be fixed with the following code(see the diff):
if (is_array($imageSize = getimagesize($rawFileLocation))) {
$fileInfo['width'] = $imageSize[0];
$fileInfo['height'] = $imageSize[1];
btw: sorry for my englisch.