


Bug #65688

Updated by Fabien Udriot over 9 years ago

 I tested the new class loading with @TYPO3_COMPOSER_AUTOLOAD@ enabled. 

 Everything works fine, unless you do not have extensions that use legacy class names in their @ext_localconf.php@ files. Those classes will not be found. 

 What solved the problem for me was adding the post-autoload-dump setting the @composer.json@ file of my project: 

 "scripts": { 
	 "post-autoload-dump": "Helhum\\ClassAliasLoader\\Composer\\ClassAliasGenerator::generateAliasMap" 

 In my point of view it makes sense, that this script configuration needs to be added, otherwise the alias map will not be available in the autoloader of composer. 

 *But this should be documented.*
