


Bug #66605

Updated by Andreas Kienast about 9 years ago

On a cached page, the config array gets completely overriden, the config of the cached page gets lost. 

 h2. How to reproduce 

 Install the attached extension made by Markus. Create an empty page and insert the following TypoScript: 
 # make sure we have only a partially cached page; feuser is USER_INT 
 page.5647 < plugin.tx_felogin_pi1 

 # set page title via cached plugin 
 page.5700 = USER 
 page.5700.userFunc = Reelworx\Pagetitletest\CachedPlugin->main 

 # set page title via uncached plugin 
 page.5800 = USER_INT 
 page.5800.userFunc = Reelworx\Pagetitletest\UncachedPlugin->main 

 Now clear the frontend caches. Open a new browser and do *not* login into the backend. Open the created page in that browser. You'll notice the pageTitleSeparator is @::::@ at the first call of the page. If you reload that page, the pageTitleSeparator becomes @:@.
