


Bug #67284

Updated by Andreas Wolf almost 9 years ago

When using the fal_webdav extension, a storage cannot be marked as not public again. The error is "The storage has been marked to be "publicly available" but is not detected as such by the driver. The setting has been reverted." 
 This is due to a broken check in @UserStorageCapabilityService::renderIsPublic()@. 

 The check should only check if the record says the storage is public, but the driver does not report so. Instead, the method checks if the storage’s public setting and the record do not differ. This fails if the storage was marked as not public by the user (i.e. the record says "0"), as the object is still created from the old record (which said "1"). 

 How to reproduce: 

 # Install fal_webdav current master (7351fe2) 
 # Create a storage, save it 
 # Edit it again, uncheck the "Is publicly available?" box 
 # Save, see the message once the form reloads
