Task #68700
Updated by Helmut Hummel over 9 years ago
Since the composer handling in TYPO3 6.2 is not perfect and you quite easy run into troubles when it comes to dependency handling, I have a suggestion to improve the current situation for TYPO3 6.2.
My suggestion is to ignore the Composer dependencies in the TYPO3 Extension Manager completely and only respect the @ext_emconf.php@ files.
This would makes things a lot easier:
In the @composer.json@ files you could use real Composer Package names for dependency handling (e.g. typo3-ter/my-dependency or even my-vendor/mypackage for packages from Packagist).
In the @ext_emconf.php@ files you use Extension keys.
No need for "replace" configuration in the @composer.json@ files any more. No more hassle with underscore / dash naming.
I'll push my proposed solution to Gerrit.