


Bug #69433

Updated by Björn Jacob almost 9 years ago

When loading the wizard the field values for "Message" and "Error" are not loaded or stored properly. When loading the fields contain the string "false". When storing no value is saved and the TS output stays empty. 

 It does not seem to be a regression caused by 07bc693. Tested it with dded3ac. There the same problem exists. 

 Steps to reproduce: 

 # Create new content element of type "form". 
 # Open wizard and insert element of type "textarea". 
 # Set name and value. 
 # Add validation of type "Required". 
 # You see the above mentioned fields with the value "false". 
 # Storing with "false" is possible -> TS contains no values at all. 
 # Opening the wizard again and entering values works. 

 Tested it on current head of 6.2.15-dev (b463428). There everything is fine. In 7.4 it's also fine.
