


Task #70337

Updated by Björn Jacob over 8 years ago

h2. Currently Current supported attributes: 

 <pre>accept, accept-charset, action, class, dir, enctype, id, lang, method, style, title</pre> 

 h2. New supported attributes: 

 h3. Universal universal attributes: 

 <pre>accesskey, class, contenteditable, contextmenu, dir, draggable, dropzone, hidden, id, lang, spellcheck, style, tabindex, title, translate</pre> 

 element attributes: 

 <pre>accept, accept-charset, action, autocomplete, enctype, method, novalidate</pre> 

 The wizard shows show only a few attributes by default. 
 To see all the attributes for the elements, you have to add write the following configuration to your PageTS: in <pre>typo3/sysext/form/Configuration/PageTS/modWizards.ts</pre> 

 mod.wizards.form.elements.form.accordions.attributes.showProperties <pre>mod.wizards.form.elements.form.accordions.attributes.showProperties = accept, accept-charset, accesskey, action, autocomplete, class, contenteditable, contextmenu, dir, draggable, dropzone, enctype, hidden, id, lang, method, novalidate, spellcheck, style, tabindex, title, translate 
 </pre> translate</pre>
