Bug #71771
Updated by Chris topher almost 9 years ago
The page TSconfig property @RTE.default.contentCSS@ allows to define one or more CSS files, which are then used by the RTE to style the text inside the RTE. An example is <pre>RTE.default.contentCSS = fileadmin/template/style_rte.css</pre> In the backend this is working correctly. However, if the RTE is opened from the frontend, then this does not work. The it is broken: With the above filepath, if opened in the Frontend, the RTE then incorrectly tries to get the CSS file from a wrong URL. the following URL: http://example.com/typo3/index.php?route=%2Frecord%2Fedit&token=f7c940a281ff63a7c2af6c3a6e964b793fc03930&edit%5Btt_content%5D%5B1%5D=edit&columnsOnly=bodytext&noView=0&feEdit=1&returnUrl=sysext/backend/Resources/Private/Templates/../fileadmin/template/style_rte.css?1430170871 It seems like the path calculation in rtehtmlarea/Classes/Form/Element/RichTextElement.php, function getContentCssFileNames() does not work correctly.