


Bug #72832

Updated by Markus Klein over 8 years ago

For instance, Chrome tries to load a .map file for JS files, which does not exist in the Core sources. 

 The current situation (docroot/.htaccess and docroot/typo3/.htaccess) leads to the situation that such requests are rewritten to the typo3/index.php file, causing the full BE (or Login) to be returned instead of a 404 HTTP error. 
 A side effect is that a PHP session cookie (from the LoginController) is created, when only accessing the Install Tool. 

 The reason for that problem is that the option @RewriteOptions inherit@ in typo3/.htaccess literally copies the rewrite rules of the parent .htaccess files into the current one. This is necessary to have TYPO3_CONTEXT and versioned asset files working. 
 Unfortunately the rule to block rewriting for files in typo3/ does not match in the context of typo3/.htaccess as the path to the requested file does not contain the typo3/ segment anymore, as we are in that directory already. 

 The only solution is to either get rid of the .htaccess file in typo3/ or to block .map files explicitly. 

 As a first fix we discard requests to .map.
