


Story #75568

Updated by Susanne Moog about 8 years ago

Acceptance Criteria: 

 * A warning is displayed  
 ** if no alt-text is given - text: “An image must have an alt text if it is not decorative only” 
 ** if the alt-text includes the filename - “The alt text must not include the filename” 
 ** if the alt text has more than 100 characters - “The alt text must not be longer than 100 characters.” 
 * The warning contains the WCAG rule and a direct link to the explanation of the rule (WCAG rule 1.1.1 - Level A - <LINK>) 

 Technical Description / Additional Information: 
 * There is currently no possibilty to override the alt text in the file link element, this has to be added. 
 * This concerns all images added to content in all content elements (text and media, filelink, …) 
