Bug #79694
Updated by Oliver Hader almost 8 years ago
Using the tag-based view-helper @<f:format.date date="{user.dateOfBirth}" />@ works like a charm.
However, using @{f:format.date(date:'{user.dateOfBirth}')}@ leads to the following PHP warning:
The property @dateOfBirth@ is a @\DateTime@ object in this example.
#1476107295: PHP Warning: htmlspecialchars() expects parameter 1 to be string, object given in /Users/olly/Development/vhosts/dhvs.local/vendor/typo3fluid/fluid/src/Core/Parser/SyntaxTree/EscapingNode.php line 45
Working on dev-master with commit @12fd6b6ae7a14ca22d9f0cfa6cf9bcaa62046f4a@