


Bug #81277

Updated by Oliver Hader about 7 years ago

Calling test case TYPO3\CMS\Impexp\Tests\Functional\Import\PagesAndTtContentWithImages\ImportInFilledDatabaseTest::importPagesAndRelatedTtContentWithDifferentImageToExistingData multiple times has negative side effects. The first execution is fine, the second execution fails. I did not analyze further tests in that regard, however would expect that test cases take care of cleaning up artifacts during the tear-down phase. 

 h4. First execution (all fine) 

  olly@oliver  ip9.local  ./ --filter=importPagesAndRelatedTtContentWithDifferentImageToExistingData 
 PHPUnit 5.7.5 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors. 

 Starting test 'TYPO3\CMS\Impexp\Tests\Functional\Import\PagesAndTtContentWithImages\ImportInFilledDatabaseTest::importPagesAndRelatedTtContentWithDifferentImageToExistingData'. 
 .                                                                     1 / 1 (100%) 

 Time: 3.43 seconds, Memory: 20.00MB 

 OK (1 test, 24 assertions) 

 h4. Second execution (fails) 

  olly@oliver  ip9.local  ./ --filter=importPagesAndRelatedTtContentWithDifferentImageToExistingData 
 PHPUnit 5.7.5 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors. 

 Starting test 'TYPO3\CMS\Impexp\Tests\Functional\Import\PagesAndTtContentWithImages\ImportInFilledDatabaseTest::importPagesAndRelatedTtContentWithDifferentImageToExistingData'. 
 F                                                                     1 / 1 (100%) 

 Time: 2.32 seconds, Memory: 20.00MB 

 There was 1 failure: 

 1) TYPO3\CMS\Impexp\Tests\Functional\Import\PagesAndTtContentWithImages\ImportInFilledDatabaseTest::importPagesAndRelatedTtContentWithDifferentImageToExistingData 
 Record "sys_file:4" not found in database 
 Assertion in data-set failed for "sys_file_reference:2": 
 Fields     |Assertion|Record 
 uid_local|4          |1 

 Assertion in data-set failed for "sys_file_metadata:1": 
 Fields       |Assertion               |Record 
 title        |Dummy image             |NULL 
 description|This is a dummy image.|NULL 
 alternative|Photo of program code |NULL 

 Record "sys_file_metadata:3" not found in database 


 Tests: 1, Assertions: 14, Failures: 1. 
