


Bug #81530

Updated by Michael Stopp almost 7 years ago

In Fluid 8.7.0, checking if a DateTime property of an object is set, throws an exception if used in the inline notation. One should expect identical output for the following two cases: 

 <pre><code class="html"><f:if condition="{payment.paidDate}"> 
	 <f:else>not set</f:else> 
 </f:if></code></pre><pre><code class="html"> 
 {f:if(condition: '{payment.paidDate}', then: 'set', else: 'not set')} 

 The first version correctly evaluates, if whether the property is set or not. 

 The second version results in an uncaught TYPO3 exception: 
 <pre>htmlspecialchars() expects parameter 1 to be string, object given</pre> 

 This used to work in Fluid 6.2.0.
