


Bug #81618

Updated by Sascha Egerer about 7 years ago

The FormDataProvider @TcaColumnsOverrides@ must be executed before @TcaGroup@ as the type of the field may be changed by @TcaColumnsOverrides@. 
 @TcaGroup@ does some desctructable actions on the result array that msut only be done if the field is a group field. If the type is changed via @TcaColumnsOverrides@ the data is already modified which ends up in a broken form (e.g. data cant be saved anymore and is lost after saving). 

 Adding a "filter" does also not work as the group provider is executed before the filter is registered. 


         'filter' => [ 
                 'userFunc' => Vendor\\Extension\\MyClass::class . '->doFilter', 
                 'parameters' => [ 
                     'evaluateGender' => 'female', 

 Adding the dependency does currently end up in a cycle dependency.
