


Bug #82501

Updated by Stephan Großberndt almost 7 years ago

After installing the introduction package on a TYPO3 8.7.6 and a PostgreSQL database and opening the first frontend page an exception in thrown due to an SQL error: 

 An exception occurred while executing 'SELECT * FROM "tt_content" WHERE ("tt_content"."pid" IN (2)) AND (=3) AND (("tt_content"."sys_language_uid" IN (0, -1)) OR (("l18n_parent" = 0) AND ("tt_content"."sys_language_uid" = 0))) AND (("tt_content"."deleted" = 0) AND ("tt_content"."t3ver_state" <= 0) AND ("tt_content"."pid" <> -1) AND ("tt_content"."hidden" = 0) AND ("tt_content"."starttime" <= 1505734620) AND (("tt_content"."endtime" = 0) OR ("tt_content"."endtime" > 1505734620)) AND ((("tt_content"."fe_group" = '') OR ("tt_content"."fe_group" IS NULL) OR ("tt_content"."fe_group" = '0') OR ('0' = ANY(string_to_array("tt_content"."fe_group"::text, ','))) OR ('-1' = ANY(string_to_array("tt_content"."fe_group"::text, ',')))))) ORDER BY "sorting" ASC': SQLSTATE[42601]: Syntax error: 7 FEHLER: Syntaxfehler bei »=« LINE 1: ...t_content" WHERE ("tt_content"."pid" IN (2)) AND (=3) AND ((... ^ 

 Problem is a syntax error in the SQL query of @TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\ContentObject\ContentObjectRenderer::exec_getQuery("tt_content", array)@: @SELECT * FROM "tt_content" WHERE ("tt_content"."pid" IN (2)) AND (=3)@ where a wrong SQL condition @AND (=3)@ is used.
