


Bug #84017

Updated by Riccardo De Contardi over 6 years ago

It seems that    @TSConfig manual "contextMenu.pageTree.disableItems@ is no more working on TYPO3 9.2.0 

 h2. To reproduce 

 1) create an editor BE user 
 2) add to its USER TSConfig: 

 options.contextMenu.table.pages.tree.disableItems    contextMenu.pageTree.disableItems = view, edit, new, info, copy, copyRelease, cut, cutRelease, pasteAfter, pasteInto, newWizard, openListModule, mountAsTreeRoot, enable, disable, delete, history, clearCache 

 this should remove almost everything from the context menu of the pagetree 

 3) switch user 

 h2. Result 

 the context menu in pagetree still has all its elements. 
