


Feature #84582

Updated by Josef Glatz over 6 years ago

h1. Problem/Description 

 h2. Scenario: 

 * tt_Content CType "Downloadbox" 
 * and you want to require the title property of the IRRE item 
 * but an already set title from sys_metadata should also be taken into account by @eval => 'required'@ 

                     'columnsOverrides' => [ 
                         'media' => [ 
                             'config' => [ 
                                 'overrideChildTca' => [ 
                                     'columns' => [ 
                                         'title' => [ 
                                             'config' => [ 
                                                 'eval' => 'required', 

 h2. Usecase scenario 

 * Make sure that an editor fills out the title field of sys_file_reference to force a "nice" download link in the frontend for that FAL-reference if the title field in sys_file_metadata is also empty. FAL-reference. 

 h1. Acceptance Criteria  

 * The evaluation "required" (or another named) should only throw a note (mark red) if there is no (e.g.) title set in sys_file_reference and sys_file_metadata
