Bug #84750
Updated by Björn Jacob over 6 years ago
I have set up a custom prototype like this: <pre> TYPO3: CMS: Form: persistenceManager: allowedFileMounts: 100: 1:/myforms/ formManager: selectablePrototypesConfiguration: 200: __inheritances: 10: 'TYPO3.CMS.Form.formManager.selectablePrototypesConfiguration.100' identifier: 'poweruser' label: 'Poweruser' newFormTemplates: 200: null prototypes: poweruser: __inheritances: 10: TYPO3.CMS.Form.prototypes.standard formElementsDefinition: AdvancedPassword: formEditor: null </pre> h2. Expected behaviour * the form wizard displays a new "Form prototype" * the "Start template" "Simple contact form is gone" * within the form editor the form element "AdvancedPassword" is not available anymore h2. Current behaviour * the form element "AdvancedPassword" is still available