


Bug #88083

Updated by Alexander Opitz over 5 years ago

This issue seams very old, didn't found a report yet. 

 Multiple issues in the tree implementation: 

 * If the tree between LIVE and a WS differs (maybe you hide a page in the tree line) 
 ** First page request on LIVE => tree is wrong for WS (You may show to much) 
 ** First page request is BE user in WS => tree is wrong for LIVE (maybe you hide an element in WS it gets invisible in LIVE) 

 * If no cache entry exists, all data from a FE request is saved as "Expires never" but what is with pages which have a start-/endtime? This isn't respected while generating the treelist. 
 * If a cache entry exists, and a page gets in BE changed endtime (not for starttime) then setCacheExpiration in TreelistCacheUpdateHooks should be called (works as expected) but the expire time is also set regardless if already a lower expire time exists. 
 * If a cache entry exists, and a page gets in BE changed starttime cache is cleared for this pid. 

 Set to TYPO3 Version 8, as analyzed on this, but the issues may be older. 

 BTW: The functionality isn't splited in caching and treelist generating 
 * Hard to read/understand 
 * Not useable without caching
