


Bug #88379

Updated by Josef Glatz almost 5 years ago


 we have a multiple-tree TYPO3 (one tree for each language) and want to update it to TYPO3 9. It's not possible to configure the correct languages for each tree. 

 The site config looks like this: 
 rootPageId: 25110 
 base: '' 
     title: German 
     enabled: true 
     languageId: '0' 
     base: / 
     typo3Language: de 
     locale: de_DE.utf-8 
     iso-639-1: de 
     navigationTitle: '' 
     hreflang: '' 
     direction: '' 
     flag: de 
 errorHandling: {    } 
 routes: {    } 

 It seems to work fine, but it's not possible to set the language for the english page tree. So you can set only the same language for both trees. 
 In older TYPO3 Version this was no problem, because you set the language with TypoScript.  

 It would be great to have the possibility back to use TypoScript to define the language or an other way to configure this. 
